Thrills & Chills! Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery Volume 1

I love comics. In fact I have a stack of comics waiting for me at Legends of Superheros. Oh, I love Marvel Romance Redux and Fables. The only thing keeping me from raiding Fables Comics  & Collectibles after my unit holiday lunch last week? Stupid electric bill! But as much as I love Astro City, I’m not a superhero comic buff (that sound? oh, that’s just Blacklight “Stan Lee is GOD” fainting). What’s on my wish list? Besides a Droid 2, Colin Firth’s phone number and Starbucks mint brownies? Horror comics! There’s something about tales of people going bad and getting theirs that thrills me to the bone! Especially if they’re filled with puns and awesome artwork!

And along with horror comics, I have a slight fondess (that sound is Blacklight “I wanna be Spiderman”snickering “yeah right, a fondess” as he cracks open a frosty cold Sam Adams Winter Lager) for Mr. Lee, Mr Price and Mr Karloff. Hmmm…maybe I should add some more horror movies to my Netflix queue…starting with Comedy of Terrors…focus focus focus!

Okay, back to books! Now put together one of my horror boyfriends (squeeeee) with a comic book title that has some of the old EC horror comics goodness? I’m  going to curl up with on Mr Couch with that! And if Blacklight comes in the room babbling about Eat Poop U Cat or Tron: Legacy…well you don’t want to be in Blacklight’s shoes unless you have a Venti Passion Tea Lemonade sweetened and one of those aforementioned Starbucks mint brownies…

And thanks to Dark Horse Books, I’ve gotten my fix (book not Starbucks brownie!).  Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery reprints the first two issues of Boris Karloff Thriller and Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery. Granted it’s not Tales from the Crypt or Haunt of Fear or Vault of Horror. You’re not going to find a Bradbury tale and the artists aren’t Jack Davis or Graham Ingels. EC Comics are the gold standard. But Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery is a nice little snack to stave off the EC hunger. The stories are short and to the point complete with Boris Karloff doing Cryptkeeper/Old Witch duty. You never known, maybe the guard at the art museum really does like just the the smiling cavalier.  Think the little chill up your back is gone? Why there’s the short essays about Kasper Hauser and Oak Island.

If I had been a little girl in the 1960s I would have been racing to the drugstore each month to snap up this along with MAD Magazine. Any one want to loan me a time machine? I just need it for an hour or two! But since it’s 2010, I’ll just have to go and look for Volume Two!

Mary Roach’s PACKING FOR MARS…Blacklight is Going Alone!

True story.

Saturday afternoon. Blacklight is awake and doing everything but getting ready to go to Seasons Beatings. I’m on Mr Couch trying to take a quick nap because it’s been and will be a very long day still.

Me: “It’s almost 4pm…we’re leaving to get Romero in 45 minutes…go get pretty!”

Blacklight: <wandering over towards the dining room table> “There’s plenty of time…hey…Packing for Mars? YOU HAVE A SCIENCE BOOK? No way!”

Me: “Bleep you! I read science books. And I was listening to a podcast about the space elevator this morning! GO GET PRETTY AND LEAVE ME ALONE!”

It’s so much fun being married to an ADD NASA nerd, especially one who whimpers that I if do get rid of cable how can he watch NASA TV and would go live on the International Space Station in a heartbeat…<rolls eyes> and wakes you up to to tell you about tidbits from his science books when you need to get some sleep so you will not a zombie at work. And buys every space book he can get his hands on at the library sales. And has a framed LIFE magazine about the moon landing in his room. And spends hours and hours playing Orbiter. And makes you watch 2001 and 2010 and acts like you’ve murdered a basket of kittens when you fall asleep five minutes into the movie…

But back to the book. After months of waiting I was able to get my hands on a library copy of Mary Roach’s Packing for Mars. Yes I DO know there are these wonderful things call BOOKSTORES but there are also these things called BILLS which you need to pay every month or you don’t have things like lights, heat and a phone….

Now even though reading about NASA is ohh….right above reading one of Stephen R. Donaldson’s books, Packing for Mars drew me right in. First, Mary Roach takes you right along with her as she delves into her subject du jour. It’s like you’re right with her as she tries to visit the astronauts and almost doesn’t get to go on the zero gravity flight. And an appearance on NPR’s Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me and an interview on the Stuff T0 Blow Your Mind podcast certainly helped.

In the space of a few chapters you learn about the change from the swinging dick bad boy astronauts to the calm, collected scientist astronauts. You’ll find out what it’s like to go through the interview/screening process for different countries. (fun fact: jiggling your leg is a big ole red flag. Note to self: if ever being considered for astronaut duty jiggle leg constantly!). Ever wonder how the astronauts learn how to function in their space suits? Full spacesuit gear in a huge pool? What it’s like to be in zero gravity? Your upper body will retain fluid but your lower body will look lean and mean. Wondered if there was any zero-gravity porn? Yes and no. Wonder what being in space does to the human body? What NASA and NASCAR have in common (think driver seat) Or about what happens to the animals used in the 1950s/1960s? Astrochimp Ham is buried at the International Space Hall of Fame.

Then came the chapters on what’s it’s like to really be in space. I’m talking hygiene, clothes and food. You DO NOT WANT TO BE EATING BROWNIES READING THESE CHAPTERS.

Based on the space food packets my father bought the very small Tichy and I at the different air and space museums back in the day I figured that space food was nasty. But I had no idea just how nasty. Mmm…toast with a gel coating! And I just hope that a certain astronauts was joking about the white and black food tubes from ages ago.

And just reading about how what it was like for Jim Lovell and Frank Boreman wearing the same space suit and underwear for the entire Gemini VII mission had me squirming on Mr Couch wanting to race into the bathroom…and I had just taken a shower! And Ralph Harvey talking about taking a shower and watching the whole end cap of his finger come off (accumulated skin from not bathing)? Push away the potato chips! And you know I love my potato chips.

I am not even going to talk about the whole space toilet thing. EMOTIONAL SCAR. There are bags involved.And things can freeze and float in the air….oh my frosted pop tart…just trust me on the emotional scar thing!

There is one thing for sure. I’ll scoop up Mary Roach’s next book in a heartbeat. And if Blacklight ever gets to go to space he’s doing it alone…because the only way I’m going to the International Space Station is duct taped/drugged out of my mind/under duress!

A La Cart

There are some books you just gobble right up like a perfect mint chocolate brownie from Starbucks. When you see it, you have to grab it! Mmmmm…Starbucks mint chocolate brownie! Want! Want!

Okay…brownie lust being tamped down…besides stuffing my face with Starbucks last week, I snapped up Hilary Carlip’s A La Cart: The Secret Lives of Grocery Shoppers. Now this is one of those books you find on a table near the cash registers at Barnes & Noble with a sign “Funny and Humorous” with things like Cake Wrecks or A Room of Jean’s Own. You flick through it and think to yourself “yeah that’s funny but is it $17.95 of funny?”.

Don’t feel bad if you did the same thing back in 2008 when A La Cart hit the bookstores. The whole premise of the book is characters based on grocery lists the author found and saved. I mean just how funny would someone find my shopping list from Saturday morning getting the last minute items for Blacklight and I’s holiday party? “wraps, mistletoe, chocolate, fabric, black ribbon, forks, dessert!”

Well if you’re the chameleon Hillary Carlip you snap up that list from the depths of the Stop & Shop or Price Chopper cart and stash it in your files. And then with the aid of some amazing stylists and makeup artists created characters so unique you’re constantly checking the author photo to convince yourself that yes, the same person who is perfectly channeling Suicide Girl Heather (which if I’m not mistaken is a certain Miss Von Tease’s birth name) is also the retired Lloyd filling his days with all the chores his late wife took care.

Each person has just a few pages devoted to them but in those few pages, golly can’t you see the people you might run into doing your own errands. I’m sure I’ve seen Woody hanging around the 7-11. And don’t you work with a Bernadette? Or gotten an email from a Karen? Guaranteed you’ll never look at a discarded grocery list the same way again!

Once Upon A Time At Massive Book Store: Steve Alten

Whenever I read Marian Keyes SUSHI FOR BEGINNERS, I always envy the Colleen staffers when swag flutters into their office. Imagine having a boss ballsy enough to tear into a crate of champagne meant for a readers giveaway. The only time I ever had anything like that happen to me was once upon a time when I was a very young Gwendy working at MASSIVE BOOK STORE. Only the box didn’t have lovely champers or even a year’s supply of Rembrandt toothpaste…

A few weeks earlier an advanced reader copy of a new novel was in the back room for anyone to read. And even though it was a shiny, thick thing instead of the usual very plain advanced reader copies the publishers usually sent barely anyone read it. I was one of the few brave souls who actually made it to the end.

My verdict? How long before we would be putting 50% off stickers on this thing because obviously the publishers were hoping the author was the next Michael Critchton. I mean come on? “Jurassic Shark” in big letters on the back? That’s pretty much the only thing the booksellers read before laughing themselves silly and sticking the advanced reader copy back on the shelf.

So the box with it’s win free stuff was a no go. The book was awful. And just where we suppose to stick the display in our tiny store? Into the trash the entry forms went. And the water bottle, beach ball, towel and the like were dived up among the managers. Trust me, this wasn’t exactly a feeding frenzy. It was more, “B you like the gym” <store manager tosses water bottle to B> and “Gwendy you go to Block Island with your parents” <hands over beach towel>

And when the book finally came out? Oh my. Despite the publisher hype, it didn’t sell well at all. <cut to Gwendy at the information desk with the roll of 50% stickers on her wrist like a bracelet> Remember this is an author who got $2.1 million/2 book deal. Watch out Peter Benchley and Michael Critchton there’s a new boss in town. <cut to Gwendy on her couch 0ver 10 years later laughing and getting peanut butter toast crumbs EVERYWHERE!> And then there was the breach of contract lawsuit when the publisher decided not to release the sequel. Poor baby…<insert eye roll on behalf of awesome writers who deserve book deals>

But don’t weep for Steve Alten yet. Because ten plus years later I’m still using the MEG beach towel (complete with hair dye stains) while getting weird looks from people at the beach/Y pool/laundry room and he’s cranking out best selling books. Sighhhhh…




The books:

Meg: A Novel of Deep Terror (1997)

The Trench (1999)

Meg: Primal Waters (2004)

Meg: Hell’s Aquarium (2009)



Library Raid! Plainville Public Library

This morning’s errands: pay Comcast bill, pick up the decorations for Saturday’s holiday, raid the Plainville Library. Okay, so maybe not raid, but I did want to pick up a Christmas CD and a few books I just could not wait to have sent to me via inter library loan. Head still reeling from the prices at one of my favorite used bookstores ($5 for the Dover edition of my beloved Lovecraft’s Supernatural Horror in Literature? I think NOT!) I pulled into the Plainville Public Library with “Christmas CD! Meaning of Sunglasses! CHRISTMAS CD!” running through my head.

As I was checking out the new nonfiction, I noticed a librarian giving a tour to a group of adults detailing the who/whats/wheres of checking out books and your library card. And then something the librarian said triggering something in my brain. The librarian was telling the group how their library records of what books they’ve checked out is kept completely private. If I’m not mistaken, the Plainville Public Library was part of Library Connection v. Gonzales (

The library tour group went downstairs to explore the children’s department and I found a Christmas CD that hopefully will not make Blacklight and our guests roll their eyes too badly. And then my library bag, which just had a CD and a single book into began to scream for mercy…

The books:

  • Echoes Maeve Binchy
  • 101 Places NOT To See Catherine Price
  • Mildred Pierce James M. Cain
  • The Thoughtful Dresser Linda Grant
  • Shelf Discovery Lizzie Skurnick
  • At Large Anne Fadiman
  • Snark David Denby
  • Yeah, I Said It Wanda Sykes
  • A Guide to Elegance Genevieve Antoine Dariaux
  • Scroogenomics Joel Waldfogel
  • The Big Book of Irony Jon Winkour
  • A La Cart Hilary Carlip
  • My Mother’s Wedding Dress Justine Picardie
  • The Meaning of Sunglasses Hadley Freeman
  • I Like You Amy Sedaris
  • Wigfield Amy Sedaris, Paul Dinello & Stephen Colbert

Nancy Pearl Made Me Do It: Kate Atkinson: Case Histories, One Good Turn and When Will There Be Good News?

There’s been voluntary OT at work for the last few weeks. And what keeps me going on very early on a Saturday morning besides a lovely chocolate bar, steaming hot cup of Lady Grey tea or a ginger ale? Mr iPod bursting with podcasts! Let’s set the scene. It’s last Saturday. I’ve blown through my HP Lovecraft Literary Podcast stash. I could listen to Skinny Puppy’s Goneja for the next four hours. I scroll through the genres lists trying to see if there’s anything I haven’t listened to a bazillion and one times and find the Nancy Pearl podcasts. What the heck, I’ll give ‘em a go.

So on go the earbuds. The lines on the Excel spreadsheet zip by. Nancy Pearl is cosy but not twee. And the guests. Oh the guests! Kate Atkinson (Case Histories) has lovely voice that reminds me of Dame Judi Dench as she and Nancy chat up her books, what it’s like to be introduced in America as a crime writer when she has several non-crime books. Kate Atkinson herself likes to think of herself as a writer of comedies of manners. As the clock ticks closer to 11 am, I know one thing. I am so going to the library right after work. Well, right after I stop by the local butcher shop for their $17 10lbs of boneless chicken special. THEN it’s library time!

And at 11 am, my work computer shuts off. There’s a quick trip to the ATM and the butcher shop. The 10lbs of boneless chicken get shoved into the fridge. I can break them down later. Right now just 4 blocks away the library is calling my name!

By 11:25 am I’m trolling the fiction section, trying to remember all the authors and most important the book titles. In the A’s I snap up Kate Atkinson’s Case Histories and then scan the flaps to find the next two books. I wander to the L’s. And then to the D’s and then the S’s. Blacklight follows for a bit and then goes to relax in a cozy chair. He knows I’ll come find him once I’m ready…

When I was trolling through iTunes snapping up interesting podcasts for Mr iPod, the Nancy Pearl interview with Kate Atkinson seemed like it would be interesting. Back in 2004 when Case Histories came out in the US I remember reading it and thinking “WOW”. For those who haven’t read Case Histories (without spoilers), are three cold crime cases that end up intertwining. It’s not twee and cozy. It’s twisting and digs into brain just like a really good Ruth Rendell/Barbara Vine. You’re reading and don’t want to put down the book because you must know what happened, you pray Kate Atkinson will tell you what truly happened. You’ll be taken back in time, not a land of tea, servants and the Good Old Days. Your Atkinson time slip will land you in a tiny farm cottage, in an office and in a garden one very hot summer night.

Saturday night found me on Mr Couch, with the late evening hours passing by, Blacklight popping into the kitchen for a beer saying “aren’t you up late?” and finally closing the book, my throat tight and sad at 1 am.

Six hours later I was back on Mr Couch curled up a in ball under a duvet with a candy bar tearing through One Good Turn (2006). One summer morning in Edinburgh during the festival there is a minor traffic accident that goes from something I would have handled at Company XYZ years ago to something very, very, very wrong. And among the people who witness the accident are a housewife, a writer and a retired detective (Jackson Brodie from Case Histories).

Note: this book is NOT a direct sequel to Case Histories, a few characters pop up. Characters are certainly not who they seem. Reading the book, even hours after listening to the Nancy Pearl interview was still a thrilling ride. All my Sunday morning plans? Sidelined by One Good Turn. It’s rather hard to make chili for the week’s lunch, organize breakfast with a book in one hand…

But a proper breakfast was rustled up. And when Blacklight stumbled into the living room wanting to go out for coffee I was already a few chapters into When Will There Be Good News? (2008). Blacklight didn’t seem to understand the death GO WAY stare coming from the couch. He so paid for his foolishness at Dunkee Cup.

Do I even need to say I snatched up the book the second we got home and didn’t leave Mr Couch unless it was absolutely necessary until the book was done? How couldn’t you get caught up in a book that starts with a mother and her three children encountering a man in a field? And ends with you closing the book, your brain thinking “she didn’t…did she?”

Intrigued? Well for Heavens sake go to the library (or bookstore) and read just the first 50 pages of Case Histories. Then go and get the next two books. You don’t have to read them in exact order but you’ll be glad you did.


Podcast: Book Lust with Nancy Pearl

Episode: Book Lust featuring Kate Atkinson

Date: 12/4/06

The Books:

Case Histories

One Good Turn

When Will There Be Good News?






From The Library Stacks

At least once a month a librarian checking out my books in my city library stops dead in the middle of her scanning and remarks, “this is an old one”. Sometimes it’s because I’ve managed to find a book that got overlooked when they put barcodes in everything. Or the book has the City Name Institute versus City Name Public Library stamped inside.

That’s when I joke about having to blow dust off the book or being the last person since 1947 to check out a particular book. Not too many people in my city hunting down M.R. James’ tome on abbeys. Or a very hard to find humorous book edited by THE Shirley Jackson.

Not every old book I grab from the stacks is the best or even good. But they might deserve a second look. That’s the thought behind a new feature. I grab a neglected book or in the first blog post for this new feature, an entire series (or all of the series I can get through interlibrary loans!). Let’s call it FROM THE LIBRARY STACKS.

FROM THE LIBRARY STACKS: Mary Lasswell and the Ladies of The Ark Part 2

***This was originally posted on the Confessions blog***

Ready for the last three books in the series? Here go!

Wait for the Wagon (1951):  At the end of One on the House, the Arkies had just gotten a sweet electric blue 1926 Cadillac limo and were headed back to San Diego. Well, Wait for the Wagon or as I’ve dubbed it Crap on a Stick, the Arkies have themselves a cross country adventure. Maybe if I had been knocking back the cold frosty ones in hops vs diet ginger ale form I would have been laughing versus checking the number of pages left. The Arkies meet a nice trucker called Dave who tells them about a nice resort to spend the night. But if it’s truly a nice place then there is no plot right? The Arkies encounter the stripper Uremia de Brie and her “doctor” friend Freemartin and lug them to California. Oh and “Doctor” Freemartin is smuggling drugs or some such nonsense. The pages are way too frosted pop tart apart. The George Price drawings of Freemartin scare me more than Celine Dion or Justin Bieber. Can you tell I HATE THIS BOOK WITH THE PASSION OF A THOUSAND BURNING NUNS?

Tooner Schooner (1953): The Arkies are back in San Diego. Only they’re living in a tiny trailer because the junkyard caught fire at the end of CRAP ON A STICK…I mean Wait for the Wagon. But the ladies encounter a rugged charter boat captain who likes to be called Tooner Schooner (yeah…okay). They become fast friends and offer to help with his charters since his crew is a bunch of drunkalunkas. Mrs. Rassmussen falls in lurve with Tooner Schooner (god I feel my brain getting stupid just typing that name) but old T.S. (because I refuse to type that stupid name again) has a New Age bish wife called Chartreuse (no I am not making this up! read the damn book!) who doesn’t love him but doesn’t want a divorce. Meanwhile the guys of the Four Freedoms (the eating club from High Time) return. They just can’t stay away from the Arkies! They also have seven old buses which get turned into trailers. Housing problem solved. Now you know the Arkies always have some poor soul they rescue (Miss Tinkham, Darleen, Timmy) and the poor sould this time is the virgin island princess Sunshine (again I am NOT MAKING THIS UP! READ THE DAMN BOOK!) who does native dances all topless. Mrs. Rassmussen’s cooking can’t compete with tight young hotness and ole T.S. is panting for Sunshine. But remember ole T.S. is married! Well, until hijinks ensue then Chartreuse gets hers and T.S gets his island hottie.

Let’s Go for Broke (1962): The cost of living has gone up to over $4 a case (and here I am bishing that Scooter’s “cost of living” is $15 a 12 pack, hey the boy likes his Sam Adams!)! Oh, and blahblahblah, too expensive to live in the city, taxes is going up and up. The Arkies decide to live off the land. So they find a “Charles Addams house” (yes, the book actually says that) in the country and settle in with about 2 pennies to their name. While at the grocery store getting supplies the Arkies encounter their poor soul of the book, a fifty-something Mexican lady stealing flower seeds. Naturally the Arkies take in the poor soul, N. Carnation (Encarnacion). Using their wits and Miss Tinkham’s silver tongue the Arkies start an antique rental business, discover N. Carnation is the queen of artificial flowers and oh prove N. Carnation isn’t an illegal alien but the widow of an American solidar and get her pension.

Have you ever seen the brilliant show Blackadder? There’s always a Blackadder and a Baldrick. Well, in the Ark/Suds series there is always beer, a poor soul in need of rescue, living by your wits and two pennies,  and even more beer. The first two books zip along. Stick with those. Avoid Wait for the Wagon at all costs. That last piece of advice? The most important thing in this post.

Next…a single book! But give me some time to recover, okay?

FROM THE LIBRARY STACKS: Mary Lasswell and the Ladies of Noah’s Ark

***This was originally posted on the Confessions blog***

So I survived the epic Beany Malone saga by fantasizing about corrupt the hot and dorky Johnny Malone. I know so very wrong but come on…you know you were thinking it too! And what series did my genius brain pick for this installment of FROM THE LIBRARY STACKS? Something a little more fun!

Back in 1942 three ladies and their gentleman protector/handyman stepped out the pages of a comic novel SUDS IN YOUR EYE and into the hearts of America for the next 20 years. Want to know more? Let’s start by meeting our cast of characters!

The Noah’s Ark-ers:

Mrs. Annie Feeley: owner of the junkyard Noah’s Ark, co-creator of a fence MADE OF BEER CANS, can make anything grow.

Mrs. Rassmussen: friend of Mrs. Feeley’s, always perfectly pressed and neat, can make a feast out of a paper clip, an onion and pinch of salt.

Miss Agnes Tinkham: retired, refined music teacher. Adores Culture and Thrift Shops.

Old-Timer: handyman at Noah’s Ark, served on the Star of India, cracker jacker mechanic. Very, very quiet.

Noah’s Ark Regulars:

Danny Malone: Mrs. Feeley’s nephew. Serves in the Navy.

Katy Logan: the ladies Spanish teacher

Darleen: peroxide B-girl with a heart of gold

Daphne Garfunkel: friend of Darleen, mother of Myrna and Pierpont. WWII widow.

Timmy Rafferty: owner of the Infantry Bar

Suds in Your Eye (1942):  While searching for new lodgings in war time San Diego, Miss Tinkham stumbles across Noah’s Ark, a junkyard surrounded by a beer can fence run by fiesty Irish widow Annie Feeley who according to her friends has “a heart like a poorhouse blanket with a side for everyone”. Enter Mrs. Rassmussen, a widow who has had it looking after her daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren. Mrs. Feeley and Mrs. Rassmussen decide to live together and after a night on the tiles, take in Miss Tinkham as the third lady of the house. The ladies deal with rising prices in the “cost of living” (ie beer), Miss Tinkham’s loss of rental income from a house back East and studying Spanish with the pretty Katy Logan with good cheer and plenty of good eats. How awesome are things at the Ark? Mrs. Feeley’s in the Navy nephew Danny comes home from a visit and falls for the lovely Miss Katy Logan. Then comes the day Miss Tinkham reads one of the letters from the town that Mrs. Feeley deposits in her tax payment jar. Unless the taxes are paid, Mrs. Feeley is going to lose Noah’s Ark. Vowing vengeance on the lawyer who never paid her taxes, Mrs. Feeley and friends raise the tax money by selling best items from the junkyard, careful budgeting by Mrs. Rassmussen and a stint for all four Arkies as “tuna queens” at one of the fish canneries. Now that the Ark is saved, the Arkies can enjoy the long-awaited trip to Tijuana for Miss Katy Logan’s Spanish class. While taking in the local culture (ie hitting the bars), the ladies of the Ark encounter Mrs. Feeley’s thieving lawyer. Thanks to their quick thinking, the shyster is caught! It turns out that Mrs. Feeley wasn’t the only person the shyster fleeced because a contingent of Chinese businessmen give Mrs. Feeley a $500 reward. And if that wasn’t the capper, Danny and Katy Logan announce they’re getting married. Using the $500 bankroll, the Arkies give Danny and Katy the wedding party of the decade.

High Time (1944): the ladies of the Ark have recovered from Danny and Katy’s wedding party. But how can they serve their country best? They’ve can’t serve in the Armed Forces (due to age) and the defense plants don’t want them. So can they relieve a defense worker? Enter Lily, a Rosie the Riveter with six month old twins Winston and Franklin. But before the ladies start babysitting how about tying on a good one? While enjoying their last night of freedom, the ladies of the Ark meet B-girl Darleen been shaken down by a lowlife. The ladies of the Ark rescue the bleached blonde lass and even though she doesn’t drink beer think the girl might have potential. Darleen wanting to return the ladies kindness takes them out for an evening of fun. But the ladies come home with more than a pressure cooker for the twins food, they’ve inherited the demon children of Darleen’s next door neighbor, war widow Daphne. The next morning the ladies wonder if they’ve bitten off more than they can chew because little Myrna and Pierpont are Satan in child form. But who else is going to take care of the little demons while their mother Daphne dries out? Darleen bolstered by the ladies of the Ark belief that she isn’t a total whore and could be a good wife to her best guy Johnny abandons the B-girl life to take care of Myrna and Pierpont. The twins’ father returns and the ladies bid goodbye to $60 a month. But just because the twins are gone and Darleen’s Johnny is going to marry her and buy her a house across the street doesn’t mean things are quiet at the Ark. Deciding to help the war effort by becoming blood donors the ladies befriend defense workers who need better diets STAT. Enter Mrs. Rassmussen’s mad cooking skills. The Ark quickly becomes an eating club but what’s a club without a clubhouse? Using her wits and the best of what’s left in junkyard Mrs. Feeley creates a proper clubhouse for her boys.  The Four Freedoms is barely open when Mrs. Feeley’s nephew Danny drops by with a surprise. Katy is having a baby and wants the ladies of the Ark! Refusing to take a penny from Danny for the fares, the ladies of the Ark throw a grand “fundraising” bash called Bundles for Brooklyn and the highlight of party? Smashing the 10,000 beer can fence around the Ark for scrap!

One on the House (1949): So little Danny Malone is five years old, but the ladies of the Ark in New York to see the Danny Malones before they move to Danny’s new posting in Alaska. Sure the Thrift Shops, Broadway and the racetrack are fun but there’s nothing like San Diego! After losing their shirts at the track, the ladies barely have the fare to Newark, NJ left alone San Diego. But too proud to admit defeat they trick Danny and Katy at the train station and vow to get back to San Diego on their own wits. Trapped in New Newark and outraged at the cost of living being 25 cents a bottle the ladies stumble across the run down Infantry Bar and almost literally stumble over it’s owner Timmy Rafferty. Thanks to Miss Tinkham’s quick thinking, Timmy is rushed to the hospital in the nick of time but things are dicey all around. The ladies decide to make camp at the Infantry Bar for the time being. And after discovering Timmy’s a veteran (AirBorne not their beloved Navy but a veteran all the same), the ladies decide to try and turn things around for Timmy. Do you really think little things like a huge brewery bill, barely any customers or beer and a nosy cop are going to keep the ladies of the Ark down? Even Old Timer is put to work. Before you can say boo! the brewery bill is paid, the cop is bring the ladies nice cozy cots to sleep in, the local Jewish tailor and his wife have adopted the Arkies and business at the renamed Road to Ruin is booming. But as Timmy gets better, trouble looms in from form of local ward boss McGoon who wants the Road to Ruin and Timmy gone baby gone! Sensing money in the air and swearing venegance on the crooked politico the ladies get McGoon’s piece on the side Blondelle enough money to start a new life and Timmy a nest egg to go back to school and marry his beloved Barbara. Now of course these good deeds don’t go without a reward. The Arkies are going back to San Diego in style courtesy of the 1926 Cadillac sedan that Old Timer has been restoring at the local garage packed with enough beer to float the Navy!

But wait…there’s more! Part II will have the rest of the novels. Reading all six of them in one go is thirsty work and the cost of living Gwen style (ie diet ginger ale) is $2.99 a 12 pack! And Blacklight isn’t exactly Mrs. Rassmussen with the Aldi’s frozen veg and boneless chicken breast…

FROM THE STACKS: Meet the Malones Part Three

***This was originally posted on the Confessions blog***

A Bright Star Falls (1959): For some reason this title sounds ominous. Beany is now head of the school newspaper but the principal wants to it appeal to everyone not just the popular crowd. So Beany starts a Eve Baxter/Dear Abby/Ann Landers column. Remember Beany’s friend Dulcie? Well, she explains why she loves wearing flashy clothes (she grew up POOR WHITE TRASH!) and gets the brilliant idea of a clothes swap for the girls of their high school. So Dulcie, Miggs and Rosellen start cleaning out their closets. But Beany can’t figured out why her boyfriend Andy’s little sister Rosellen is giving away all her pretty things. While Beany is trying to solve the mystery (umm….let’s see Rosellen is sweet, kind, crippled, totally Beth in Little Women…) Poor Miggs is dealing with her own problems. Oh her family still has money but Johnny Malone dumped her for one of Dulcie’s coworked at the Ragged Robin Drive-in, a certain Miss Garnet Storm. Let’s see Garnet has flashy blond hair all Veronica Lake, wears too much makeup….ZOMG TOTAL WHORE! But Johnny is either getting some or beyond dumb because he thinks Beany and friends are just being big ole meanies to poor Garnet. (Blacklight says “HE’S GETTING SOME” Me: “Johnny is a total VIRGIN”). Rosellen dies before her brother Andy comes home from the Marines on leave. (I told you she was all Beth in Little Women). Beany tries to keep Andy from running away but epic fail. The clothes sale is amazing. Beany learns that Rosellen is even more of a saint than she thought she was. Andy is back with the Marines, Garnet is revealed as two-timing whore child and everything is well in the Malone-verse.

This is the book I went “you know what? Damnnnnn” and “hey Blacklight so the whore bish Garnet is…” But I soldiered on through these books…I did it FOR YOU!

Welcome Stranger (1960): library didn’t have this one so I have made up my own plot. Mary Fred meets a hawt cowboy at the stables and becomes a buckle bunny.

Pick a New Dream (1961): the last one the library didn’t have. So here’s my plot. Andy finds true love with his commanding officer. Beany eats enough pineapple nut sundaes that even Dulcie’s best efforts with needle and thread can’t hide. Actually this might be thone where Andy leaves the Marines and becomes a priest. No, for reals, Andy BECOMES A PRIEST. Beany is never going to get laid.

Tarry Awhile (1962): Beany is a dried up OLD MAID! AT TWENTY! CLUTCH THEM PEARLS, CLUTCH ‘EM CHILD! Okay if Beany is an old maid at twenty then WHAT THE FROSTED POPTART WAS I GETTING MARRIED AT 32? ANCIENT? MUMMIFIED? (Blacklight’s comment “well for your family you WERE ANCIENT” Okay, he might have a point because I have cousins a few years older than me with GRANDCHILDREN but still…) Beany is also depressed even though every time Miggs moves away, Kay comes back and vice versa. Miggs is gone so, enter Kay. But Kay is MARRIED to some big hot jock called Joe. And she’s getting that PhT while Joe is going to school (Blacklight: “what’s a PhT?” Me: “Putting Hubby Through”). Also Dulcie is getting married and turning into a Bridezilla! But damn Beany you’re dating Carlton the boy next door and you’re going to college and you’re working at a community center among the poor folks. You’re freaking EIGHTEEN! YOU DO NOT NEED A HUSBAND RIGHT NOW! But Beany still thinks she’s a loser and tries to get Carlton to marry her. (Hint to Beany: put out, get preggers and get hitched). Kay turns up preggers and is such a delicate flower that she can’t work. Joe drops out of school. Beany and Carlton decide to wait to get married until Carlton finishes school.

After reading this part of me wants to drive over to the F-ton library and snatch up that classic Mr. And Mrs. Bo Jo Jones….maybe I’ll blog about that one!

Something Borrowed, Something Blue (1963): It’s so hard to be Beany! Sure she’s marrying Carlton once he has that BA but our Miss Beany is sick of being the Good Girl. She wants the fancy-dan wedding like her coworker Jennifer had. But the Malone’s roof needs to be fixed ASAP! Who cares that everyone around her has been preparing for her big day? Enter evil Nonna like the White Queen offering Beany a big ole Bridezilla wedding. Who cares if her friends can’t afford their bridesmaid dresses? Or the guys their tuxes? Beany must be splashing whiskey in her pop because she takes up Nonna’s offer. And while Nonna plots from her web, Johnny and Miggs up and get theyselves all MARRIED in three seconds. Mary Fred sells her beloved horse to SATAN to get money to doll up and get her man the hunky Anders from the first book back. EPIC FAIL. But since this IS a Beany Malone book, Mary Fred gets her horse and man back, Beany has a lovely wedding near her community center and Nonna gets her comeuppance.

And this book gets thrown across the bed and lands on the floor! Selection of comments I made to Blacklight: “So they have to wait until CARLTON GRADUATES? What about Beany?” “Evil Nonna’s back! RUNNNNN!” “Mary Fred you are one DUMB BISH”

Come Back, Wherever You Are (1969): Beany and Carlton and their two special snowflakes Mister and Mary Liz live in Leavittville. Beany is a happy housewife. Mary Fred is all “ZOMG I AM A FREAK BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN MARRIED TWO YEARS WITHOUT ALL THE BABIES”. And since Miggs and Johnny are in Dallas, enter Kay. Well, Kay isn’t going anywhere because she is in the hospital. And Kay’s little boy Jodey needs SuperNanny now! But before Nanny Jo can cross the Atlantic, Kay dies of leukemia. And her rival Yvonne starts to get her claws in the grieving Joe. But worry not, Yvonne is revealed as the person who abused poor Jodey as a toddler. Joe and Jodey find a home in Denver. Beany and Carlton stop fighting and Mary Fred decides to help her husband Anders achieve his dream of working with damaged children.

Can you say Lifetime Original Movie? Oh and Beany must have gotten preggers on her wedding night! Poor trapped Beany…

The Beany Malone Cookbook (1972): not a Beany Malone novel. But there are little tidbits along with recipes galore. None off which I intend to make in a million billion years because I have FORGOTTEN HOW TO COOK!

Survived this epic post and want to read the books for yourself? Well you are in luck even if your library can’t get them for you. Because the good folks at Image Cascade Publishing have reissued the entire series. Check them out at

Stay tuned because the next FROM THE LIBRARY STACKS is going to be a hoot!