FROM THE LIBRARY STACKS: Meet The Malones Part 1

***This was originally posted on the Confessions blog****

Two weeks ago I was zipping around my neck of Central Connecticut, opening a new bank account, returning library books, raiding the shops, you know…A GETTING THINGS DONE Saturday. And in my travels I thought “What the hey (okay it was actually something a little stronger but Imma gonna keep this as family friendly as possible alright?) since I’m in F-ton why don’t I go to the X Library too!”. And I did!

Among the spoils of the X library visit was a book that made Blacklight rolls his eyes and say “Gee you sure you didn’t write that?” called Leave Me Alone, I’m Reading: Finding and Losing Myself in Books by Maureen Corrigan. Now in one of the chapters Maureen talks about a series about a family called Malone by Leonora Mattingly Weber. And before I stuffed the finished book in my library bag I was requesting the books from via interlibrary loan.

Between 1943 and 1972 Colorado writer Leonora Mattingly Weber wrote fifteen books about the Malone family that took them from school days to married bliss. So let’s meet the Malones!

The Malone Family:

Martie: respected news reporter/columnist. Father of Elizabeth, Mary Fred, Johnny and Beany.

Elizabeth: firstborn of the Malone children. The family beauty. Married to Don, mother of Little Martie.

Mary Fred: the bouncy one. Avid horsewoman.

Johnny: big hearted and goofy with a shock of dark hair always falling in his eyes. Eats anything not nailed down. Gifted writer and amateur historian.

Beany (birth name Catherine Cecilia): youngest Malone. A natural Little Miss Fix-it.

Malone-verse Regulars:

Adair: the second Mrs. Martie Malone. Society artist. Has a lovely golden convertible.

Kay: dainty blonde with a mother Faye who acts more like her sister than mother. One of Beany’s best friends.

Miggs: dark haired animal lover. Has been friends with Beany since the day they were born.

Dulcie: a friend of Beany and Kay’s. Comes from a rough and tumble background and takes refuge in clothes and fashion. Can do anything with a needle and a yard of fabric.

Norbett: classmate of the younger Malones. Works as a reporter. Drives a flashy car and has a temper

Nonna: stepmother to the late Mrs. Malone. Owns an interior-decorating firm in the East.

Andy: good natured, hard working friend of Beany’s.

Rosellen: Andy’s younger sister crippled by a bout of polio. Very kind and sweet (think Beth from Little Women)

Carlton: the Malone’s neighbor and Johnny’s best friend.


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