Blast From The Past: Trashy Book Time!

It might be winter. It might be the fact I went on a little iTunes spree and crammed Mr iPod with some classic pre-1985 Duran Duran tunes. Whatever the cause, I got the nostalgias badddddd…if the weather was decent and I had the spending bug I would be waddling out of the main Book Barn with a bag o’ paperbacks bigger than me. Or I would be at the Avon Free Public Library book sale on the Sunday Fill A Bag for $5 stuffing that thing until there was only sheer will keeping the books from spilling all over the floor. But it’s March and I got to save my money for new glasses so hello inter-library loan!

Brace yourself because I’m working my way through the Jackies (Susann and Collins), Judith Krantz, Pat Booth, June Flaum Singer, V.C. Andrews and all those other books my friends and I read in shrieks at slumber parties  or memorized the pages with the hottest stuff (Madame Krantz, you have one spicy imagination!). Since I do have a proper job and some taste left I’m only blogging about the best (or worst) of the bunch. So stay tuned and maybe get ready to curl up on YOUR Mr Couch with a trashy classic! Can’t think of a better (and cheaper) way to have a solo snowy Sunday afternoon!

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