Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day: Or I Don’t HATE EVERYTHING!

Reading over (okay EDITING for spelling and clarity) past blogs, I realize I may come across as a bit…oh…I hate EVERYTHING. Then again, when Blacklight was making us in My Little Pony form, I was Bitchie Cakes the pudgy Earth Pony librarian with glasses whose perfect library involved NO ONE visiting it and a precious locked cabinet of HP Ponycraft…

So what was my point? Ah, yes…that I don’t hate everything that isn’t HP Lovecraft or Florence King.

YES, that IS possible.

Some books I love so much that I will travel oceans of time…okay, okay, OKAY…to the Noah Webster (West Hartford) Library and endure the awesome yet painful experience of Blue Back Square to get my hands on Winifred Watson’s Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day.

When I’m not shaking my head and sighing “oh…Howard…you dumb ass” or plotting a trip to bring my idol Florence King unfiltered Chesterfield Kings and hard liquor, I like to curl up with British novels, especially if they are pre-war and/or part of the Virago Classics line. I also like to curl up on Mr Couch, drink enough Vitamin Water Zero XXX to float a battleship and watch screwball comedies with Myrna Loy and Irene Dunne.

This made the movie Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day perfect viewing. Even more perfect, the New Britain Public Library has a copy. Remember I am poor. And think LIBRARIES ARE THE MOST AWESOME THINGS!

And the movie was a based on a quirky novel? I’m in!

Miss Pettigrew Lives For A Day is a Cinderella but fun novel. Miss Pettigrew, a down and out nanny of a certain age, goes to what she thinks is a interview for a nanny job. What happens is totally different. However maybe not, because even though Delysia LaFossee is a grown ass woman, she needs a nanny to tidy and straighten out her wild and exciting life.  Miss Pettigrew, a curate’s daughter, rises to the challenge and is slugging back drinks and keeping up with the night life with the best of them AND making this new world a more tidy place.

Track this one down. Heck, if you have the right sensibilities and the cash…order it from Amazon. It’s totally worth it!

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