Merry Christmas! Now Let Me Read…

It’s Christmas morning. Blacklight is trying to get some sleep before we go to my father’s house for Christmas lunch. The kitchen wants cleaning from last night’s snack fest. Upstairs? Go ahead, play Christmas songs at full blast all day long. But me? Getting ready to curl up on Mr Couch with a Christmas read and losing myself between the covers until Blacklight’s alarm goes off.

  1. The Christmas scenes in Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House series. Don’t care if it’s the Big Woods, the Prairie or the surveyors house in the embryo De Smet, love them all.
  2. Louisa May Alcott’s Christmas stories. Better make sure I have a stack freshly ironed vintage hankies at hand because “The Quiet Little Woman” and “What Love Can Do”? Make me cry and want to be a better person every time I read them.
  3. Miss Read’s Village Christmas and No Holly for Miss Quinn
  4. Maeve Binchy’s This Year It Will Be Different And Other Stories
  5. Terry Pratchett’s Hogfather
  6. Nancy Mitford’s Christmas Pudding
  7. Sharon Krum’s The Thing About Jane Spring. We should all pull up for Christmas in a vintage white convertible with the top down!
  8. David Sedaris’ Holidays on Ice

The hardest thing?  Deciding which to read first! 🙂

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