
Once upon a time, before I was officially a Book Slut Gwen, I was Badgwendel. Had a little web site called, ranted over how much I adored books, Florence King, HP Lovecraft…yeah…like that’s changed in the last 12 plus years! Oh wait…am a Sadie Sadie Married Lady now. 🙂

And then a bad thing happened.

BadMommy’s cancer came back with a vengeance and she was dead within less then six weeks. It come back so fast and so epically you could almost see the tumors growing. Frosted Pop Tart Inflammatory breast cancer. Frosted Pop Tart.

One of the ways I dealt with that blow was throwing myself into writing. Gathered up all the scattered manuscripts, scribblings and floppy disk (remember THOSE?) and after much gritting of teeth and pulling of hair ended up with A BOOK. The Book of the Books. A Grand And Glorious Book.

And within nine months, I was pouring over publisher proofs and getting ready to unleash Confessions of a Failed Bibliophile on the world thank to a few hundred dollars and the good folks at publisher on demand i-Universe using my then online name of Badgwendel. My sole spawn. Unless some magic gets me to crank out another book. Human children? So not in this level of the Tower.

And believe it or not…people NOT genetically related to me have bought the book. <fans Dearest Blog reader>

One story was even taught in a college class….I know I know…AWESOME SAUCE right? My Starbucks and Gummi Bears and ice cream obsessed rump roast! Me!

And every once in a blue moon, there’s a ROYALTY CHECK! Sometimes when Mr Royalty Check comes in, I stare at the envelope and wonder which creditor is this and then open said envelope and a check falls out. And I almost faint RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE DARN MAILBOXES in Moderate Income Apartments.

The last royalty check just about covered lunch with Blacklight at LaSalle Market!



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