Possessed: The Life of Joan Crawford

When your first introduction to Joan Crawford is seeing Mommie Dearest on HBO circa 1982, you might have a slight skewed view of her. And reading the book Mommie Dearest might be the first step of reading every biography of Joan Crawford and her rivals for the next twenty-something years and counting. And read Joan Crawford biographies I have. Let’s see…Not the Girl Next Door, Joan Crawford: Hollywood Martyr, Joan Crawford: A Biography, A Portrait of Joan: An Autobiography, Joan Crawford: The Ultimate Star, The Golden Girls of MGM, Joan Crawford: The Last Word, Bette and Joan: The Divine Feud, Crawford’s Men, Possessed: The Turbulent Life of Joan Crawford, Mommie Dearest…

No big surprise I picked up Donald Spoto’s latest tome Possessed: The Life of Joan Crawford. Even if it was bad, reading it was still better than nothing to read during morning/afternoon snack. Color me pleasantly surprised. Possessed is one of the more balanced Crawford biographies I’ve encountered. YMMV.

Crawford isn’t portrayed as a demon or a saint. She’s a lady with a rough childhood who decided to improving herself and maintaining a star image as her main goal in life. She’s driven and before in her time in maintaining a fit body. Her choice in men leaves something to be desired but who hasn’t got a guy in their past they don’t regret? In regards to her older children, if Christina and Christopher were difficult and vibrant no wonder Joan was at her wits end. Some people aren’t meant to be parents. Being an adult dealing with Joan might have been easier than as a child. Because as an adult you don’t have to rely on your grownup for food/shelter/money.

So if you’re looking for the “Joan Crawford was TIPPY HO BAG LESBO MOOGLY-GOOGLY” you’ll need to find another book. Try one of the original Hollywood Babylon books. If you’re looking for “Joan was a SAINT I TELL YOU A SAINT FROM THE HEAVENS” try the Charlotte Chandler (Not the Girl Next Door) biography. Or just go on Netflix, put some Crawford in your queue (The Women)  and enjoy.