I Heart My Kindle (Sometimes)

Just because a person gets a “your inter-library loan has arrived” email at least once a week doesn’t mean they can’t love themselves an e-reader. Ever fallen asleep reading a library book and had the damnable thing crushing your face (Under The Dome, The Historian) or ended up with the edge of the book imprinted on your cheek (The Cooper Beech,  Wasp Where Is Thy Sting?)? Or knocked over a glass of water on your nightstand putting a book away before night-night time? Or dropped an entire shopping bag of Tom Frosted Pop Tart Clancy hardcovers on your freaking foot?

So you can see how an e-read can appeal to me. Shiny things are awesome. Especially shiny things you get after your brother upgrades to the Extra Shiny Thing. However there is a cloud in Shiny Thing land (besides the fact dearest sibling hasn’t upgraded his iPod lately…because a video iPod would be AWESOME! I could watch ALL the cool video podcasts while working versus waiting until I get home to Mr Laptop), my beloved Kindle can’t be used to check out library books! Cue Big No screaming scene with me in the parking lot of the public library.

But I’ll live. Thanks to the March 11, 2011 issue of Entertainment Weekly’s The Save section I now know  even though Mr Kindle isn’t library book friendly it’s still the best e-reader for me. First, it was FREE. Second, most of the books I get from the library aren’t even available as an e-book. Three,  lifting a bag full of library books is exercise right? And four, tablet tablet tablet tablet tablet tablet tablet…