Thrills & Chills! Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery Volume 1

I love comics. In fact I have a stack of comics waiting for me at Legends of Superheros. Oh, I love Marvel Romance Redux and Fables. The only thing keeping me from raiding Fables Comics  & Collectibles after my unit holiday lunch last week? Stupid electric bill! But as much as I love Astro City, I’m not a superhero comic buff (that sound? oh, that’s just Blacklight “Stan Lee is GOD” fainting). What’s on my wish list? Besides a Droid 2, Colin Firth’s phone number and Starbucks mint brownies? Horror comics! There’s something about tales of people going bad and getting theirs that thrills me to the bone! Especially if they’re filled with puns and awesome artwork!

And along with horror comics, I have a slight fondess (that sound is Blacklight “I wanna be Spiderman”snickering “yeah right, a fondess” as he cracks open a frosty cold Sam Adams Winter Lager) for Mr. Lee, Mr Price and Mr Karloff. Hmmm…maybe I should add some more horror movies to my Netflix queue…starting with Comedy of Terrors…focus focus focus!

Okay, back to books! Now put together one of my horror boyfriends (squeeeee) with a comic book title that has some of the old EC horror comics goodness? I’m  going to curl up with on Mr Couch with that! And if Blacklight comes in the room babbling about Eat Poop U Cat or Tron: Legacy…well you don’t want to be in Blacklight’s shoes unless you have a Venti Passion Tea Lemonade sweetened and one of those aforementioned Starbucks mint brownies…

And thanks to Dark Horse Books, I’ve gotten my fix (book not Starbucks brownie!).  Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery reprints the first two issues of Boris Karloff Thriller and Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery. Granted it’s not Tales from the Crypt or Haunt of Fear or Vault of Horror. You’re not going to find a Bradbury tale and the artists aren’t Jack Davis or Graham Ingels. EC Comics are the gold standard. But Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery is a nice little snack to stave off the EC hunger. The stories are short and to the point complete with Boris Karloff doing Cryptkeeper/Old Witch duty. You never known, maybe the guard at the art museum really does like just the the smiling cavalier.  Think the little chill up your back is gone? Why there’s the short essays about Kasper Hauser and Oak Island.

If I had been a little girl in the 1960s I would have been racing to the drugstore each month to snap up this along with MAD Magazine. Any one want to loan me a time machine? I just need it for an hour or two! But since it’s 2010, I’ll just have to go and look for Volume Two!