The Union Quilters

The last time I sewed anything more complicated than hemming a pair of pants I stabbed myself bloody with a needle. And let’s not talk about the time I spilled pins all over the floor and then walked on them on IN BARE FEET. Or the fact that when I head to JoAnn’s Fabrics to track down a bird decoration (long story) that I’m going to break into hives surrounded by all the twee. In spite of this total lack of craftiness, I still snap up the latest Elm Creek Quilts novel the second I see it on the Rapid Reads rack next to the circulation desk at the library and gobble it up like it’s bag of Easter Hershey’s Kisses (another item to add to the Target shopping list!).

So if Blacklight wants to know why I didn’t do the dishes on Thursday night I’m going to so blame Jennifer Chiaverini. Also because Maeve Binchy took the blame for why I took three days to get the ironing done last week. And Miss Read the week before.

The Elm Creek Quilters series jumps between the current Elm Creek Quilters and Elm Creek’s past. The Union Quilters is a historical Elm Creek tale. It’s the early 1860s and the War Between the States is in full swing. Some of the men are marching off to war. And some are staying behind. And in the quilting circle, there’s trouble too. The ladies have managed to finance and build a meeting hall and try to fight the good fight for their men. But can they survive their internal differences?

And will their men survive? If you have even a passing knowledge of the Civil War there’s one bit where I swear I was on Mr Couch clutching The Union Quilters and muttering “please don’t let it be Andersonville, please don’t let it be Andersonville”. Blacklight was convinced I had lost my damn mind for a minute. Then he just decided it was “girl hormones time” and kept washing the dishes. Bastard! Thank Heavens The Union Quilters doesn’t have moments like that on every page because a) it would be annoying b) that’s not Chiaverini’s gentle but compelling style and c) making your readers have heart attacks/History Channel flashbacks ISN’T the way to grow your readership!

The Union Quilters isn’t going to inspire me to snap up fat eights or caress a sewing machine like it’s the Xoom or a lovely Droid but it’s great way to spend a few cozy hours on Mr Couch while getting a little learn on. and bonus! The Union Quilters will not crush you if you happen to doze off while reading (I’m looking at YOU Under The Dome!)