How It Ended Up in My Hands…A Tale from the Library Bag

***This was originally posted on the Confessions blog***

Thursday I snapped up two new library books (I know! Only TWO! The librarians had the CONFUSED!). You know what I thought about My Fair Lazy (it’s going back to the library today). The other book? I was almost ashamed to hand it over to the librarian. Yes, there was self-checkout but I needed to get my parking ticket validated for the two free hours of parking.

Now what book would have me passing it to the librarian face down? God knows the local librarians have checked out masses of books for me in raids that had everything from Florence King to Neil Gaiman to Edith Wharton in the same batch. Time to be a big girl!

And time for a confession…I have never seen a single minute of The Hills, The City or their ilk outside of clips on The Soup. Aren’t I almost old enough to be some of the cast’s mom? Isn’t it a show for people who like spray tans, extensions and giant hangbags? People who adore Nicole Richie? I’m a pasty potato girl old who watches VH-1! But had constant ads for a book called If You Have to Cry Go Outside.  Admit it, the title is awesome! And the face glaring out from the book jacket practically says “Yeah, you know you want to read me, so pick me up already. I DARE YOU.”  Not a scrap of makeup, hair scraped back, no spray tan. This gal meant business.

So when I saw the same face glaring from a B&N endcap, I picked up the book, flicked through it and thought “if I find you at the library I am soooo checking you out”. And Thursday night, I found it! But since the book wasn’t even touched until yesterday because after devouring My Fair Lazy within minutes of getting home from the library, I had to get some sleep!

If You Have to Cry Go Outside isn’t studded with pictures of the reality star with other celebrities. Instead you have a lean, confessional book with some blunt realities. Her account of moving to New York City reminded my of Jeannette Walls’ early New York years. And hearing how Dianne Brill and Anthony Haden-Guest befriended and helped her made the woman I thought of as living blow-up glamour drag doll and Christopher Guest’s half-brother seemed so much more real and human.

Kelly Cutrone knows who she is. Hard ass businessperson. Mama Wolf. Daughter. Devoted Mother. Want to work in fashion? Be prepared to work hard for little money. Want to make sure your message is heard? Pick up the phone and talk.Want to make sure your daughter has the best start in life? Be prepared to sacrifice comfort and time. It might be things you’ve heard before in books but it’s in blunt black and white without cutesy pictures to make the message go down easier.

The only drawback? The covers are far too close together! If there is a book two, put my name down on the library hold list now!