John Waters’ ROLE MODELS

Back as a wee little lass, I never heard of John Waters. First, I was much too busy putting my Ken doll in Superstar Barbie’s gold lame X-back onesie and having Ken and my Cher doll going on marvelous adventures in Barbie’s big yellow RV. Second, even though I cross dressed Ken, I was raised in a very strict and sheltered household.

So skip forward several years and a movie called Hairspray comes out. And then Cry Baby….and I’m combing the local and quite excellent video store for the John Water back catalog. Heck, every time I go to the T-ton Salvation Army I half expect John Waters to be rummaging through the racks or regally sprawling on the 1960s/1970s furniture in the basement.

Then why not give Role Models, John Waters book of essays about the some of the people who helped shape him, a shot? Just like a Waters film, not every essay is going to appeal to everyone. Some parts are heartbreaking. Some parts had me shaking my head. Let’s put it this way…given all the monies I won’t be scampering off to outfit Blacklight in Comme des Garcons head to toe. The essays on Johnny Mathis and Little Richard set off “Chances Are” and “The Girl Can’t Help It” earworms but you know, those are earworms you can swoon and rock out to! And how could I not race to read an essay called “Bookworm”?

Verdict? Give Role Models a read…preferably on one of those Sears French Provincial Salvation Army basement finds….but the peach velvet one? That’s mine!