All Facts Considered

There are books I can’t resist. Trust me, I have the credit card statements and library borrowing records to prove it. If Blacklight loses me in Barnes & Noble, he checks the coffee bar and then the Reference Section for me. Because, Dear Readers, my name is Gwen Mrs Blacklight and I’m a reference junkie. Style guides, etiquette guides and trivia guides are my crack, my Sam Adams Boston Ale, my Dunkee Cup, my Hershey’s Kisses, my Starbucks. When I see one, I HAVE TO HAVE IT. Or haunt the libraries and the Book Barn until one falls into my lap.

So imagine my glee when I came across a truly nerd-tastic book called All Facts Considered: The Essential Library of Inessential Knowledge by NPR librarian Kee Malesky. Imagine having that job? Bliss, pure bliss! Now there are trivia books and there are trivia books. If you loved the Schott’s Miscellany or The 5 W’s series, then here’s a book for you. A few tidbits had me counting on my fingers and muttering “no, that is right, wow”.

How awesome is this book? Even Blacklight would read it. And you know Blacklight and I have very very very different reading tastes.