FROM THE STACKS: Meet the Malones Part Three

***This was originally posted on the Confessions blog***

A Bright Star Falls (1959): For some reason this title sounds ominous. Beany is now head of the school newspaper but the principal wants to it appeal to everyone not just the popular crowd. So Beany starts a Eve Baxter/Dear Abby/Ann Landers column. Remember Beany’s friend Dulcie? Well, she explains why she loves wearing flashy clothes (she grew up POOR WHITE TRASH!) and gets the brilliant idea of a clothes swap for the girls of their high school. So Dulcie, Miggs and Rosellen start cleaning out their closets. But Beany can’t figured out why her boyfriend Andy’s little sister Rosellen is giving away all her pretty things. While Beany is trying to solve the mystery (umm….let’s see Rosellen is sweet, kind, crippled, totally Beth in Little Women…) Poor Miggs is dealing with her own problems. Oh her family still has money but Johnny Malone dumped her for one of Dulcie’s coworked at the Ragged Robin Drive-in, a certain Miss Garnet Storm. Let’s see Garnet has flashy blond hair all Veronica Lake, wears too much makeup….ZOMG TOTAL WHORE! But Johnny is either getting some or beyond dumb because he thinks Beany and friends are just being big ole meanies to poor Garnet. (Blacklight says “HE’S GETTING SOME” Me: “Johnny is a total VIRGIN”). Rosellen dies before her brother Andy comes home from the Marines on leave. (I told you she was all Beth in Little Women). Beany tries to keep Andy from running away but epic fail. The clothes sale is amazing. Beany learns that Rosellen is even more of a saint than she thought she was. Andy is back with the Marines, Garnet is revealed as two-timing whore child and everything is well in the Malone-verse.

This is the book I went “you know what? Damnnnnn” and “hey Blacklight so the whore bish Garnet is…” But I soldiered on through these books…I did it FOR YOU!

Welcome Stranger (1960): library didn’t have this one so I have made up my own plot. Mary Fred meets a hawt cowboy at the stables and becomes a buckle bunny.

Pick a New Dream (1961): the last one the library didn’t have. So here’s my plot. Andy finds true love with his commanding officer. Beany eats enough pineapple nut sundaes that even Dulcie’s best efforts with needle and thread can’t hide. Actually this might be thone where Andy leaves the Marines and becomes a priest. No, for reals, Andy BECOMES A PRIEST. Beany is never going to get laid.

Tarry Awhile (1962): Beany is a dried up OLD MAID! AT TWENTY! CLUTCH THEM PEARLS, CLUTCH ‘EM CHILD! Okay if Beany is an old maid at twenty then WHAT THE FROSTED POPTART WAS I GETTING MARRIED AT 32? ANCIENT? MUMMIFIED? (Blacklight’s comment “well for your family you WERE ANCIENT” Okay, he might have a point because I have cousins a few years older than me with GRANDCHILDREN but still…) Beany is also depressed even though every time Miggs moves away, Kay comes back and vice versa. Miggs is gone so, enter Kay. But Kay is MARRIED to some big hot jock called Joe. And she’s getting that PhT while Joe is going to school (Blacklight: “what’s a PhT?” Me: “Putting Hubby Through”). Also Dulcie is getting married and turning into a Bridezilla! But damn Beany you’re dating Carlton the boy next door and you’re going to college and you’re working at a community center among the poor folks. You’re freaking EIGHTEEN! YOU DO NOT NEED A HUSBAND RIGHT NOW! But Beany still thinks she’s a loser and tries to get Carlton to marry her. (Hint to Beany: put out, get preggers and get hitched). Kay turns up preggers and is such a delicate flower that she can’t work. Joe drops out of school. Beany and Carlton decide to wait to get married until Carlton finishes school.

After reading this part of me wants to drive over to the F-ton library and snatch up that classic Mr. And Mrs. Bo Jo Jones….maybe I’ll blog about that one!

Something Borrowed, Something Blue (1963): It’s so hard to be Beany! Sure she’s marrying Carlton once he has that BA but our Miss Beany is sick of being the Good Girl. She wants the fancy-dan wedding like her coworker Jennifer had. But the Malone’s roof needs to be fixed ASAP! Who cares that everyone around her has been preparing for her big day? Enter evil Nonna like the White Queen offering Beany a big ole Bridezilla wedding. Who cares if her friends can’t afford their bridesmaid dresses? Or the guys their tuxes? Beany must be splashing whiskey in her pop because she takes up Nonna’s offer. And while Nonna plots from her web, Johnny and Miggs up and get theyselves all MARRIED in three seconds. Mary Fred sells her beloved horse to SATAN to get money to doll up and get her man the hunky Anders from the first book back. EPIC FAIL. But since this IS a Beany Malone book, Mary Fred gets her horse and man back, Beany has a lovely wedding near her community center and Nonna gets her comeuppance.

And this book gets thrown across the bed and lands on the floor! Selection of comments I made to Blacklight: “So they have to wait until CARLTON GRADUATES? What about Beany?” “Evil Nonna’s back! RUNNNNN!” “Mary Fred you are one DUMB BISH”

Come Back, Wherever You Are (1969): Beany and Carlton and their two special snowflakes Mister and Mary Liz live in Leavittville. Beany is a happy housewife. Mary Fred is all “ZOMG I AM A FREAK BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN MARRIED TWO YEARS WITHOUT ALL THE BABIES”. And since Miggs and Johnny are in Dallas, enter Kay. Well, Kay isn’t going anywhere because she is in the hospital. And Kay’s little boy Jodey needs SuperNanny now! But before Nanny Jo can cross the Atlantic, Kay dies of leukemia. And her rival Yvonne starts to get her claws in the grieving Joe. But worry not, Yvonne is revealed as the person who abused poor Jodey as a toddler. Joe and Jodey find a home in Denver. Beany and Carlton stop fighting and Mary Fred decides to help her husband Anders achieve his dream of working with damaged children.

Can you say Lifetime Original Movie? Oh and Beany must have gotten preggers on her wedding night! Poor trapped Beany…

The Beany Malone Cookbook (1972): not a Beany Malone novel. But there are little tidbits along with recipes galore. None off which I intend to make in a million billion years because I have FORGOTTEN HOW TO COOK!

Survived this epic post and want to read the books for yourself? Well you are in luck even if your library can’t get them for you. Because the good folks at Image Cascade Publishing have reissued the entire series. Check them out at

Stay tuned because the next FROM THE LIBRARY STACKS is going to be a hoot!

FROM THE STACKS: Meet the Malones Part 2

***This was originally posted on the Confessions blog***

Meet the Malones (1943): our introduction to the Malone family. Mary Fred buys a horse versus a formal (party dress) because she can’t bear to see it sold to a cruel owner. The youngest Malone Beany wants to transform her bedroom into something fit for a young teen. And everyone waits for Elizabeth to return home from her husband’s military base. Then Mr. Malone aka Martie heads out to cover the war. Elizabeth comes home with a brand new baby boy. But they’ve no more than cooed over Elizabeth’s baby when their step grandmother the glamorous Nonna arrives to oversee things until Mr. Malone’s return. Grateful to concentrate on their personal lives versus the grind of housework, the Malone children welcome Nonna. Until Nonna’s gifts turn out to be burdens instead of blessings. Exit Nonna.

This book was twee and rainy day with a nice cup of hot chocolate until Nonna shows up. Then it’s RUNNNNN! Nonna is one emotional abusive bish

Beany Malone (1948): the focus shifts from Mary Fred to the youngest Malone Beany. The war is over, the cute orphans from Hawaii are gone. Even Martie Malone is away in Arizona recovering from his war experience. Mary Fred is struggling with college, can she pass chemistry and get a bid from the Delts? Schoolmate Norbett is causing problems with is speeding. But Beany has a new friend, the lovely blonde Kay who lives with her glamorous young mother Faye in a hotel apartment. Beany longs for a life like Kay’s until she realize that no mother is better than a mother who doesn’t act like one.

Ever been to college campus that is totally Greek-centric? I have. Poor Mary Fred. Now in the back of my mind I was thinking that poor Kay might have seen some bad things in her life with Faye. Dang this suspicious To Catch a Predator every time you turn on MSNBC mind!

Leave It to Beany! (1950): Miss Beany Malone is now sixteen and dating Norbett, you know the one who caused all those problems in Beany Malone? She also has an exciting new job working for Denver’s own Ann Landers/Dear Abby called Eve Baxter. Does Beany have the Malone reporting blood like Marty and Johnny? Naturally Beany goes a little overboard and after answering a letter that Eve Baxter said sounded over the top is taking care of a little baby called Miss Casey Jones and dunking questions as to whose baby it is. And to top it all off, Beany’s lost Norbett’s charm bracelet that she swore she would never take off. But everything turns up all right for our Miss Beany because baby Miss Casey Jones is actually Eve Baxter’s grandniece Joan and that darn bracelet? In the ice maker down the basement the whole time!

This is the book that sounds like bad episode of FRIENDS right? And today if Beany “found” a baby the police would think she had just hid a pregnancy from her family. And Norbett? Can you say damaged and RUN BEANY RUN?

Beany and the Beckoning Road (1952): Darn local libraries don’t have this one and I don’t have get me some new books money.

Beany Has a Secret Life (1955): This is totally TRUE LIFE: MY LIFE IS ALLLLL JACKED UP. Beany’s beloved Norbett has decided to not come back to Denver and sent our Miss Beany a Dear Joan letter. And the real bombshell, Beany’s got herself a wicked stepmother called Adair. Oh Adair is all pretty and an artist but SHE DIDN’T TELL BEANY THE SPECIAL SALE SEA MIST CASHMERE SWEATER CAME IN AT THE SUB-DEB SHOP AND NOW THEY’RE ALL GONE AND BEANY WILL NEVER AFFORD ONE! Yes, that is the big tragedy for our Miss Beany. Well, that and realizing that the secret club she joined called ON OUR OWN is nothing more than evil, lying and UN-AMERICAN! But guess what? Beany and Kay extract themselves from the evil students, comeuppances are had and ADAIR BOUGHT THE SWEATER FOR BEANY AND PAINTED IT TO LOOK ALL AWESOME LIKE KAY’S AND BEANY IS A DUMB BISH…

I had to stop and remind myself this was written during the McCarthy era. And if you’ve read this far in the series and can’t tell that gals who wear too makeup and tight clothes are evil sluts than you live under a bigger rock than Blacklight.

Make a Wish for Me! (1956): libraries didn’t have this one either!

Happy Birthday, Dear Beany (1957): Our Miss Beany Malone is turning seventeen. But Ghost Hunters might want to stop by the Malone house because Miss Beany is suddenly having visions of her childhood bestie Miggs. Maybe it’s some kind of psychic bond because they have the same birthday (St Patrick’s Day) and Migg’s mother Katie saved the infant Beany’s life? Gee this sounds so Lois Duncan right? But psyche! This is the wholesome 1950s! No supernatural shenanigans here! Kay has left town with her mother. Miggs and her family are back in town and they’re rich! And cousins with the rich bish Helena BishMcBishyBish (okay that’s not her real name)! Thanks to Beany’s friend Dulcie’s amazing sewing talents she has something to wear to the big party but Miggs and family have changed. FOR THE BAD. Thanks to Mary Fred’s horse loving heart (yup she gots herself another horse this one the preggers Miss Goldie), Beany and Miggs are friends again and Katie is back to her true self!

By now I’m popping into the kitchen as Blacklight cooks dinner and updating him on the plots. Blacklight is rolling his eyes. Also I have mentally started casting a Beany Malone movie. I have Spencer Tracy for Martie Malone, Myrna Loy as Adair, Rosalind Russell as Mary Fred, a young Jimmy Stewart as Johnny, Debbie Reynolds as Beany and the very young Ann-Margaret as Dulcie…

The More the Merrier (1958): you’ve got it! The library didn’t!


FROM THE LIBRARY STACKS: Meet The Malones Part 1

***This was originally posted on the Confessions blog****

Two weeks ago I was zipping around my neck of Central Connecticut, opening a new bank account, returning library books, raiding the shops, you know…A GETTING THINGS DONE Saturday. And in my travels I thought “What the hey (okay it was actually something a little stronger but Imma gonna keep this as family friendly as possible alright?) since I’m in F-ton why don’t I go to the X Library too!”. And I did!

Among the spoils of the X library visit was a book that made Blacklight rolls his eyes and say “Gee you sure you didn’t write that?” called Leave Me Alone, I’m Reading: Finding and Losing Myself in Books by Maureen Corrigan. Now in one of the chapters Maureen talks about a series about a family called Malone by Leonora Mattingly Weber. And before I stuffed the finished book in my library bag I was requesting the books from via interlibrary loan.

Between 1943 and 1972 Colorado writer Leonora Mattingly Weber wrote fifteen books about the Malone family that took them from school days to married bliss. So let’s meet the Malones!

The Malone Family:

Martie: respected news reporter/columnist. Father of Elizabeth, Mary Fred, Johnny and Beany.

Elizabeth: firstborn of the Malone children. The family beauty. Married to Don, mother of Little Martie.

Mary Fred: the bouncy one. Avid horsewoman.

Johnny: big hearted and goofy with a shock of dark hair always falling in his eyes. Eats anything not nailed down. Gifted writer and amateur historian.

Beany (birth name Catherine Cecilia): youngest Malone. A natural Little Miss Fix-it.

Malone-verse Regulars:

Adair: the second Mrs. Martie Malone. Society artist. Has a lovely golden convertible.

Kay: dainty blonde with a mother Faye who acts more like her sister than mother. One of Beany’s best friends.

Miggs: dark haired animal lover. Has been friends with Beany since the day they were born.

Dulcie: a friend of Beany and Kay’s. Comes from a rough and tumble background and takes refuge in clothes and fashion. Can do anything with a needle and a yard of fabric.

Norbett: classmate of the younger Malones. Works as a reporter. Drives a flashy car and has a temper

Nonna: stepmother to the late Mrs. Malone. Owns an interior-decorating firm in the East.

Andy: good natured, hard working friend of Beany’s.

Rosellen: Andy’s younger sister crippled by a bout of polio. Very kind and sweet (think Beth from Little Women)

Carlton: the Malone’s neighbor and Johnny’s best friend.