Other People’s Rejection Letters

The idea is interesting. A collection of rejection letters of all sorts. There’s a letter from Walt Disney Productions, Ltd to a hopeful young artist. Copies of insurance service denial letters, foreclosure notices, divorce papers and even a very young Jimi Hendrix’s military discharge papers.The exact kind of things you could have lurking in your own file boxes or cabinets. Heavens knows I have the rejection letter that the late 1990s/early 2000s Weird Tales sent me for a story and took comfort in the fact “hey your boyfriend Lovecraft got rejected by Weird Tales too!” Thanks Blacklight! And if I dig ever further back I might still have the Smith College rejection letter stamped COPY because my stupid rump roast wasn’t even good enough to get an original with a real signature rejection letter because I haz stoopidz poor dumb cootiez.

So I should be looking at Other People’s Rejection Letters with at least some fondness right? Wrong. Wronger than the man on man head between the thighs end moves from CTWE’s Madness in March III. Wronger than Johnny Storm being the new Captain America. Wrong than the Spider-Man with web shooters action figure than had me laughing and crying at the same time while Blacklight stood stock still with his mouth gaping open at the wrongness.

Other People’s Rejection Letters is like the Post Secret books. I feel wrong and bad for prying into people’s lives like this. Yes, this is coming from the person who read every single Joan Crawford biography and owned Hollywood Babylon I & II in hardcover! Back to the library with you Mr Book, back to the library…