WSIR: The Queen

Once when I was a wee little Gwen counting and recounting all the change in my piggy bank to see if I had enough money to get another Nancy Drew mystery, I found the weirdest coin. Now thanks to some business trips my father had brought back things like pesos and once a replica Spanish piece of eight. But this coin looked like a quarter but it didn’t have the funny ridges on the edge. I found my father and asked what it was. He wasn’t thrilled to be pulled away from his precious aviation newspaper but explained to me it was a Canadian quarter and the person on it was the Queen. I asked if she was evil and chopped off heads.  Yes, I was an odd little girl…

Now that I’m an adult I know Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith isn’t going to chop off my head. However, she may cluck her tongue over my extravagnce in throwing out my socks worn out at the toes versus darning them but I’d like to think she would totally understand my need to have my shoes just so and having all my shirts and sweaters organized by color. (Blacklight: “You my dear are so OCD…” Me: “Lean over… ” <adjusts Blacklight’s t-shirt sleeve that’s not even with the other>)

As many books as I’ve read about Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith and her extended family (trust me I could make a book fort from all the books on royals/royalty I’ve read) my favorite ones are a handful of fiction titles that make the Queen seem like the nice older lady who would nod with approval as I snap up a wooden darning egg from the craft/sewing section at the Wallingford Goodwill. Or would understand why I carry around several carefully ironed white lace trimmed handkerchiefs in my purse year round.

The Uncommon Reader: A Novella by Alan Bennett

A very quick and charming read. One day the Queen, on a hunt for her corgis, discovers a mobile library van at the palace and becomes a reader. Will Her Majesty be able to keep her new found love in the face of her Council and public?

Mrs Queen Takes the Train by William Kuhn

Imagine being on the train and realizing the sweet older lady who looks so familiar a few seats away might be the Queen. But Her Majesty in a hoodie? The mind boggles. Now try to the be courtiers tracking down the Queen who has gone AWOL. Will they find her before anyone outside the Palace realizes she is missing?

The Queen and I by Sue Townsend

In an alternative reality Britain, a newly elected party comes to power and strips the Royal Family of their privileges and forces the former Royals to life like the rest of us right down to council housing and vouchers. Some Royals can’t handle the changes, other Royals rise to the challenge. And the Queen shows no matter what the circumstances she can handle just about anything with grace, determination and the will to soldier on.

Queen Camilla by Sue Townsend

Set in the same universe as The Queen and I, the former Royal Family are still in the Exclusion Zone. The Duke of Edinburgh is sinking fast and Her Majesty is tired. If Her Majesty abdicates, Prince Charles will become King…but will his new wife Camilla be accepted as the Queen. Add a long buried secret coming to life and the antics of the Royal Grandsons and what will be of the former Royals now?

Have a book about the Queen I’ve forgotten or should read? Let me know in the comments!