If I ever need to feel like it’s the 1970s again I don’t have to rummage through Blacklight’s lair using all his electrical bits and bobs to build a time machine. I just have to pick up I Like You and Simple Times because between the hardcovers is all the 1960s/1970s goodness you can imagine. It’s like the senior center gift shop, church rummage sale, school craft fairs and Woolworths had the most awesome babies ever!

And who do I have to thank for this flashback? The very talented and crafty Amy Sedaris. Not only are there recipes that look majorly wrong and gruesome just like in certain blogs (I’m thinking a Wendy McClure blog and possibly a Vintage Ads thread or two) but whole themes along with projects. And ways to turn your gathering into a money making venture…now why didn’t I think of bundling up random items and selling them along with cupcakes at Blacklight and I’s holiday party? Maybe for Blacklight’s birthday? 🙂

Once your world has been opened to the awesome of the I Like You life, why not keep the fun coming with a book of crafts. No crazy expensive Martha Stewart things here. Simple Times: Crafts for Poor People brings back all those crafts you learned in Bible Camp or Girl Scouts and takes it to the next level. That nifty needlebook you wanted in third grade can be yours!

My mad glue stick and construction paper skills aside, when it comes to my own entertaining, I think I’ll stick to my nice white brocade tablecloth and napkins or everything red from the dollar store. Unless I’ve decided to channel my own thrifty and crafty mother. Then let’s see what I can create out of posterboard, construction paper, staples, crepe paper and tape (for example, a 3-D holiday wreath). Otherwise I LIKE YOU and SIMPLE TIMES will always have a place in my circa 1972 heart…