The Bookshop of Yesterdays

2021 might be the year I read All The Debut Novels. Some are okay, some are meh and some have me looking to see what other books the author might have written. And in the case of Amy Meyerson’s The Bookshop of Yesterdays, I’m planning on grabbing The Imperfects. And I have a huge stack of books from my latest Friends of the Library book sale adventure waiting to be read.

Our heroine Miranda is a well-liked teacher at a Quaker school with a boyfriend. One day she finds out her beloved Uncle Billy, long estranged from her family, has died. And he has left her his beloved bookstore Prospero Books along with clues to what caused his break with her and parents when she was twelve. Because there is a Big Secret. So instead of returning back to her regular life after the funeral, Miranda decides to stay.

Now for that big secret. I’m not going to reveal it here. If you want to know…read the dang book. What I do have to say is somehow I managed to figure out the big plot twist by chapter one. Now I’m not particularly smart, even the tiny companion knew Klara and the Sun took place in the US but not me. Maybe the stars are right because I sure as heck did not inherit my mother’s ability to figure out plot twists. However, this is not a discussion of my dimness.

A few key phrases during a heated encounter had me pausing while cocking my head like our Dalmatian when he realized how to open the pantry for treats. The other clues scattered in the book had me questioning if I was just reading too much into that heated discussion which made reading The Bookshop of Yesterdays much more interesting. This is not a diss on Amy Meyerson’s ability to craft a compelling plot. The first question in the Questions for Discussion section asks if the reader suspected the truth earlier or if they were surprised by the truth.

The Bookshop of Yesterdays still a solid book if you figure out The Big Secret right away or not and I’m very glad I took a gamble when I saw it at the library. Miranda’s journey is painful but there is hope and new chances in her future.

An Elderly Lady Must Not Be Crossed

Let’s set the stage.

Let’s set the stage.

It’s Saturday and the Plainville Public Library has just opened. And I’m murmuring “good morning” to the librarians as I’m making a beeline for the New Mystery books. My mission is snapping up Helene Tursten’s An Elderly Lady Must Not Be Crossed, because Maud is back! At first, I thought someone else had checked it out because the online catalog might not have up to the second information but nope, it was there, a wee volume just a bit bigger than my hand tucked between two larger books.

Mission accomplished.

Fast forward and here I am, writing my thoughts on Maud’s return. I missed Maud. Yes, I know after a glance at the copyright page An Elderly Lady Must Not Be Crossed was first published in 2020 but I’m a very dim American who doesn’t understand Swedish, so I had to wait for the lovely folks at Soho Press to release the English translation earlier this month. Once again, I’m very glad Maud isn’t my neighbor, but she is a very interesting lady indeed. When we meet Maud in An Elderly Lady Must Not Be Crossed, it’s a few months after her An Elderly Lady Is Up To No Good adventures. The police are still hovering around in the background asking too many questions, but Maud is setting off on her African adventure. Do you think Maud is going to let the police get in the way of her plans? Please…

Now I’m not going to give away to the plot because the whole book is just over 250 pages. Be assured Maud gets involved in situations past and present but continues to find a way out that benefits her above all things. Anyone who thinks she is just a doddering old thing needing a stick to get about deserves a solid smack from that stick.

I can tell you there are two recipes included I would love to try if my stupid blood sugar wasn’t an issue. Genetics suck. And I can also tell you if you have an hour or so to spare, pick up An Elderly Lady Must Not Be Crossed.

And make the cookies! They sound so good.

Band of Sisters

Ahhhh historical fiction. Not my favorite genre but I shove historical fiction titles in the library book bag on occasion. Now you think a person who studied history at university, has a BA in History, is a Phi Alpha Theta member and briefly considered graduate school, would love her some historical fiction. And also have a grasp of English grammar but I never claimed to be an English major now did I?

But back to historical fiction. A person would think I would be cramming all the historical fiction like setting a new world record for eating Lindt truffles. That person would be wrong.

I prefer actual history books and biographies and when I do read historical fiction it tends to be modern person finds documents/diaries of historical figure and then we get alternating chapters of modern person, historical person, modern person. And I end up getting bored to pieces by modern person and just wanting to read only the historical person unless it’s very well written.

And if your historical fiction is the secret life of very famous historical person, for example you’re the poor but gorgeous gal who has Prince Edward (later the Duke of Windsor)’s love child? Or you’re the noble but poor mistress of Henry VIII? I. AM. OUT.

I have opinions. Strong opinions. And my bar for historical fiction is set pretty damn high. Especially now as the vast age of fifty looms not too far in the horizon. Not even the brilliant Fay Weldon gets a pass. And Fay Weldon is a goddess who wrote the pilot episode of Upstairs, Downstairs.

Let’s jump to yesterday morning around 3 am. Normally I’m in a half-awake state, knowing I need to crawl from my warm bed and summon the strength to be functional enough to start my work day at 6 am. My life is most glamorous.

But it is a Saturday morning and I’ve just put Lauren Willig’s Band of Sisters down. Not to shove in the library return bag unfinished. And not to read after running errands. Down as in done and dusted. Finished. With thoughts. Perhaps barely literate but thoughts.

In a nutshell, Band of Sisters is the tale of gentle reared rich ladies going off to provide support and comfort in World War I France. Well, not everyone is rich (hi there working class Irish/Bohemian Kate) and they all attended Smith College.

Now for those unfamiliar, Smith College is one of the Seven Sisters, historically women’s colleges which are considered equivalent to the Ivy League. I was not clever enough for Smith College but that is a tale for another time.

Our heroines have left Smith College and are whipped into a fervor by a former professor who wants to send a unit of Smith women over to France to serve the French citizens. The plan is to provide aid, restoring villages and the inhabitants spirit without the burden of charity. Very lofty goals.

After all, anyone can join the Red Cross efforts, handing out donuts and cigarettes to Our Brave Boys. But it takes a strong person, A Smith College Girl, to be boots on the ground, down in the trenches, getting things done. Not afraid to muss her hair or get dirty. Nails will be broken.

Hmm…I’m sounding very gung ho and like I’ve meet that professor. Interesting.

Will the Smith College alumnae respond to the former professor’s siren call and find themselves in France? Yes because that’s the plot of the book.

Of course, there are tensions, secrets and deprivation galore. It’s World War I France once the Americans joined. Unlike many historical fiction books, Band of Sisters isn’t all dances with Our Brave Boys, Finding True Love While The Battle Rages Off Screen.

Frankly? I loathe those historical fiction books. If you like those books. Glad you found something to read that brings you joy but I prefer a much heartier fare.

Band of Sisters is that heartier fare. There is some romance, but you never forget the trenches are mere miles away and the treat of Germans/the Boche is very nearby. The French countryside is both beautiful and destroyed right down to the people. Still alive but shells of themselves. And the Smith Girls aren’t immune. They are so very innocent in their mostly privileged bubbles it hurts yet shells of themselves. One character has such an obsidian hard shell you think she is just a snotty bitch but nope. Oh golly nope. Another character needs to have the very concept of a “Boche baby” explained.

At that point, yes, I gave a deep sigh, because honestly how did she think a very young French girl was impregnated with said baby. Thank heavens she learns a thing or two before the book ends because the last quarter of the book is brutal and merciless. The devastation, terror and exhaustion are so truthfully and beautifully written you are in the horde, barely awake and still pressing on because you can’t succumb.

After devouring Band of Sisters, I can say it’s a gripping read and even if you want to shake perhaps Maud until her teeth rattle (I will help you with that! Maud does my head in something awful), have one character teach a class on self-defense before sitting Emmie down for a reality check, it’s hard to put down. And read everything. Don’t skip the stuff everyone does.

 Seriously, READ THE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS! Lauren Willig based her book on real Smith College women who were in the Somme. How could I not love a book by an author who stumbles and gobbles books like myself? Her fictional band of sisters Smith College alumnae are just as real and a force of nature as the Smith College alumnae I encountered as in my youth.

Would I recommend Band of Sisters? Most certainly!

Your Cruelly, Elvira: Memoirs of the Mistress of the Dark

So I’m putting away my library books and while the spouse putters around drinking an iced coffee.



“Boobs!” the spouse repeats, gesturing at a book with his iced coffee.

And I give a deep sigh, the sort of deep sigh that goes straight down to your toes because if you’re a publisher with a memoir of Cassandra “Elvira” Peterson of course the cover is going to be stark black with an expanse of creamy white cleavage so deep the Mariana Trench looks like a shallow puddle. I’m in possession of a generous bosom myself but honestly feel flat chested compared to Ms. Peterson. However, this is not a review of Cassandra Peterson’s impressive physique but her brand spanking new memoir, Yours Cruelly, Elvira: Memoirs of the Mistress of the Dark.

I’m of several minds about Yours Cruelly, Elvira: Memoirs of the Mistress of the Dark. It’s such a slender volume for someone who has lived her Most Interesting Life. The greedy part of me wants more details about events but the reasonable part of me says that is rude and Cassandra Peterson can share exactly what and how much she wants about her life. She could have easily hidden many painful and surprising things and just presented the best bits of her journey. How many people who aren’t huge fans even know she has a child? She does and protects that child’s right for privacy and not to be thrust into a spotlight they might not want. I respect the hell out of her for that.

A caveat, Yours Cruelly, Elvira: Memoirs of the Mistress of the Dark is not focused solely on the Elvira character. Sure, there is the creation of Elvira and of course the Elvira vs Vampira lawsuit plus some behind the scenes details of the TV show and movies. And boy does Cassandra Peterson have rotten luck when it comes to really getting full credit or value from her creation. Granted Elvira isn’t the most original character concept, anyone can inch into a plunging cut to Nebraska gown and rock a big flowing black wig a la the Charles Addams cartoon character but Cassandra Peterson gave her the twists and quirks that made her stand out from the pack.

But ultimately Yours Cruelly, Elvira: Memoirs of the Mistress of the Dark is the story of survival. It doesn’t matter if survival is a literally life changing accident, an abusive loved ones, the Hollywood grinder or being able to do what you love and receive love. And that is impressive.