An Elderly Lady Must Not Be Crossed

Let’s set the stage.

Let’s set the stage.

It’s Saturday and the Plainville Public Library has just opened. And I’m murmuring “good morning” to the librarians as I’m making a beeline for the New Mystery books. My mission is snapping up Helene Tursten’s An Elderly Lady Must Not Be Crossed, because Maud is back! At first, I thought someone else had checked it out because the online catalog might not have up to the second information but nope, it was there, a wee volume just a bit bigger than my hand tucked between two larger books.

Mission accomplished.

Fast forward and here I am, writing my thoughts on Maud’s return. I missed Maud. Yes, I know after a glance at the copyright page An Elderly Lady Must Not Be Crossed was first published in 2020 but I’m a very dim American who doesn’t understand Swedish, so I had to wait for the lovely folks at Soho Press to release the English translation earlier this month. Once again, I’m very glad Maud isn’t my neighbor, but she is a very interesting lady indeed. When we meet Maud in An Elderly Lady Must Not Be Crossed, it’s a few months after her An Elderly Lady Is Up To No Good adventures. The police are still hovering around in the background asking too many questions, but Maud is setting off on her African adventure. Do you think Maud is going to let the police get in the way of her plans? Please…

Now I’m not going to give away to the plot because the whole book is just over 250 pages. Be assured Maud gets involved in situations past and present but continues to find a way out that benefits her above all things. Anyone who thinks she is just a doddering old thing needing a stick to get about deserves a solid smack from that stick.

I can tell you there are two recipes included I would love to try if my stupid blood sugar wasn’t an issue. Genetics suck. And I can also tell you if you have an hour or so to spare, pick up An Elderly Lady Must Not Be Crossed.

And make the cookies! They sound so good.